Have you ever heard of witches living under beds?

Just taking a quick cultural temperature here: this isn’t a thing, right?

The exchange with @ChaseJordashian that inspired this question:

Lmao did you used to think there was a witch under your bed too? I guess that’s pretty common, I wonder where it comes from lol like why specifically a witch for most people

I’ve never heard of that before… monsters with teeth and tentacles or rat style creatures or a portal to a demon world that releases kaiju into our dimension to steal and murder children – yes. 
A fkking witch tho?… no. 
Witches fly around or might poison you with candy or kidnap you but I’ve never heard anyone say dick about a witch being under their bed. 

The majority of stories I’ve heard involve a witch lol. My witch lived under my bed and would wait for my feet to be close so that she could pull me under with her long deformed fingers and eat me, but I’d always just narrowly miss her clutches.

Sounds more like internalized misogyny being expressed through irrational fear of women contributing to your present day homo-normative anti female bigotry.

so – he basically acknowledges that it was an amalgamation of that particular monster being his top fear in general and that criss-crossing with the location of the realm of the unknown “under the bed” as the natural “scary spot” in a childs bedroom but I still want to verify witch-y’all (please clap) that this isn’t a normal fear. It’s just this one persons combining two fears, right? If nothing else, its efficient. Cuz who wants to be scared of witches outside and monsters under your bed separately when you can just get it over with via one bigNasty for both amirite?

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