Haw Haw. Someone got pulled over. Oh crap. It’s me

I just had this interchange on the phone with a girl while she was driving. Mid conversation about her upcoming math test she says:

Girl: [see’s police lights] haaaaa. some-one gawt pulled oooo-verr. ha ha. which I’m glad isn’t me cuz I’m goin way too fast.
Me: well slow down. it’s raining there. chill out.
Girl: …unless it IS me…. ohma gawd….
Me: what?
Girl: ohma gawd ohma gawd. is it me?
Me: He’s behind you??
Girl: ohma gawd please don’t be me.
Me: are you pulling over?
Girl: No!
Me: pull over stupid! if its not you then he’ll pass you by. hurry up and get to the side.
Girl: ohma gawwwwd nooo! I can NOT get another ticket!
Me: well pull over!
Girl: ohma gawwd! is it seriously meeee? nooo
Me: PULL. OVER. NOW. and get off the phone.
Girl: ohma gawd
Me: HEY!
Girl: okay okay okay….. uuuh. i’ll call you back

She cried. threw up outside the car door. and got a ticket.

About richard