Hey. You. Stop “looking for something better”

I just read a status that was so dumb, I had to immortalize it in a blog just in case the chick who posted it realizes it’s foolishness and deletes it. She thought she was being super deep or something I guess and posted “Why can’t people just be happy with what they’re blessed with? Stop looking for something better”. lulz.

I don’t even know who this person is so I might as well invite them to delete me by responding to it instead of blindly agreeing with it. If she actually responds to the comment then I won’t give their name here and will accept full responsibility for the false accusation that this person is the type to respond to things by being an ignorant jerk – but you have to admit that if I do turn out to be wrong, it’s still a valid suspicion given the evidence I have to go with: Blonde chick in her 20s posting vapid nonsense on Facebook. never been challenged on saying something that sounds silly or doesnt make sense. Used to dealing with non-adoring people by ignoring them. That’s my suspected bio. will see.

But the point isn’t this random person, it’s the idea behind chastising people for “looking for something better”. Ingratitude is a real problem that is a mass cause of unhappiness, so the “why can’t people be happy” part I’m down with, though I wouldn’t say “blessed” with cuz that means others who don’t have what you have are damned with their situations and the truth is much more nuanced than being blessed or damned with what your life is like. My reaction to “stop looking for something better” is:

Idk. I for one am glad that generations before me didn’t stop looking for something better and gave me the life I’m able to enjoy today. I hope to continue their pursuit and keep looking for better things to pass on to future generations.

I’ll update this if the original poster has something thoughtful or incisive to say, or even if they say anything or nothing at all, but otherwise just wanna get the point across that none of you reading this are allowed to adopt a “stop looking for something better” attitude. I forbid it. and by reading this, you’re agreeing to a binding contract. Don’t you dare stop looking for something better. Don’t let it consume you and don’t let it come at the expense of your happiness (like I said: the first part is solid. be grateful and be happy for what you’ve got) but don’t ever stop the pursuit for better things in life.

I am looking forward to the flexible clear piece of plastic that is the thickness of a playing card and is also my iPhone in 5 or 10 or 20 years. Keep improving. Always.

UPDATE: Within an hour of posting that reply, I got the notification from the App on my phone that tells me when someone deletes me. Could this have been more predictable? lulz.

I usually give the “exit survey” message to fresh-deletes but this time I know why I was deleted, so instead of that, I just apologized for offending her so badly that she threw me off the train. I took a screenshot of the comment, but won’t bother posting it since the point of this one isn’t that the person behind it is an ignoramus (that was assumed from the get-go, so it’d just be gloating to show how predictably this played out) but that the sentiment itself (without clarification or explanation – which never came) is rubbish.

About richard