How to build cold tolerance

You have to hyperventilate & focus a little to handle it

You can warm up right after. but you have to breathe a lot while doing it. then, from that point on, if you just focus your mind and breathe deep, your brain wont send emergency signals to the body in response to cold and when you catch yourself shivering you can just override it with a little mindfulness by recognizing that you’re not in danger (which the shiver response is – a panic that you’re gonna die so you need to jitter muscles to keep blood flowing) and will get warm soon, and when you reach that point then you’re in control and the cold feels nice. 

You have to do it a bunch of times before it’s less-terrible feeling

Put yourself in uncomfortable cold at least 5 times to get used to it. So first 1, 2, 3, 4 times – don’t be discouraged when you absolutely hate it, cuz that’s normal. You’re rewiring an auto-response, remember. If you remind yourself to expect it to be torture for the first few times then you won’t get as discouraged and feel like “blerg – this just isn’t for me”. It’s not for anyone. We’re hairless apes. Even the most Armenian among us are still not hairy enough to feel the sensation of cold as no big deal.

About richard