I Am More Humble Than You…

Since a founding and staple theme of Richardland is shameless self promotion and the satirization of self absorption, it is to be expected that there will be some that aren’t in on the joke, and view my life-performance-art as a genuine display of self-supremecy. I’ve dispensed with this notion and why I believe there are plenty of “tells” to my jest, and why I don’t like the accusation even though it’s actually a compliment – but there’s another factor to this angle that I may not have articulated yet that throws yet another wrench into the bogus criticism:


I am more humble than you…


Provided that the “you” is someone who finds my admission of how awesome I am to be a distasteful lack of humbleness: You lose.

False modesty is pretentious arrogance I don’t care much for. It is inherently condescending and self absorbed to downplay ones areas of expertise instead of embracing them to tasteful degrees in seriousness and exaggerated ones in good humor. If you disagree, then by definition you are placing in a higher importance “how you are thought of” rather than “what is right and reasonable”. If you are that prideful as to lie-downward then you are the one of us who is not humble, not I. Or whomever.

Let’s stop clouding this discussion with the distraction of my beautiful face & other attributes including my awesome inner character who is completely amazing in enviable ways and use another example. A Victoria’s Secret model doesn’t need to pretend she’s not classically attractive. All she is compelled to do under western civilization codes of ethics and empathy, is to not use the knowledge of her beauty as a club with which to weaken others. If a person thinks they are beautiful, they shouldn’t be persecuted just because others agree. Requiring them to argue with compliments they know to be true, or feign ignorance or agnosticism to the veracity of the claims of said beauty is impolite, illogical, manipulative, and fascistic.

Sorry for getting wordy, there. The shorter version is: quit hatin on people’s above-average qualities, you lame buncha mundane miscreants.

And especially when it comes to me, because even if I wasn’t a freakin comedian, the truth is that I am more humble than you, False Accuser…
I am acutely aware of both our insignificance in this vast world as well as my personal unimportance in relation to this planet. We’re all just a collection of atoms that ultimately don’t matter. Some day the sun will collapse in on itself and everything we’ve ever known and ever will know will cease to exist with no record of it having ever happened. None of this actually matters, objectively; it only matters to individuals and relies on individual choice to be impactful or not.

The eff is wrong with you for being so narrow of mind so as to fail in observance of my satire.

Me being awesome at wakeboarding or Marco Polo or having symmetrical facial features considered by a favorable margin to be classically attractive, mean nothing. Like, literally, nothing. There is no inherent value to being good at ping pong or having a great hair day. And likewise ~ Confidence or contentment in your pong-age skills or the way your hairstyle for the day looks is nothing unless you take them to degrees of unstoppability (claiming you are unbeatable at ping pong or your hair is the best of all others, granting you superiority over their lessness). If you just mention aloud your accomplishments, attributes, successes, wins, and talents then you’re no inherently less humble than someone who keeps quiet about such things.


About richard