I love destroying ant hills

So many work so hard on something so important to them, their family and their very existence and i come along and wipe it away, ruining it all for no reason, with no motive and for no personal gain and there aint sh#t they can do about it…

There is an ally in my yard with more than a dozen hills being formed right this very second. tall hills. skyscrapers in the ant world, if you will.

I am allowing them to build until their labors yield sufficient enough results to make their destruction more devastating. I wait now, like a sleeping dragon, unknown to the civilization that is destined to be my target. they go about their days work without any hint that it will soon all have been for not as a heartless monster with high-top Nike’s but without compassion or empathy comes to ambush them, stomping into their sanctuary like a supersized Godzilla rampaging through Tokyo.

They will scurry, they will panic. they will cry. and they will die.
and I, after the destruction is complete, leaving in my wake only a leveled trail of death and broken dreams, will return to my own sanctuary and blog comedically about the pain and personal setback I have caused millions.

where is your ant god now?….

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