I remember everything, sans my own videos

Shout out to @ManiIsMyName, whom I will thank by name when they tell me what it is (that sounded a thousand times better while I was typing it than it sounds when you read it as a final product). I knew I told a story about how I have to balance my unquenchable thirst for knowledge with the cardinal rule of “knowing your audience”. I actively try to forget the content of my videos cuz shortly after making every one of them I don’t think they’re funny anymore and wish they would go away so I went to Twitter before going to bed last night for help. In a flash, Manni came through like a champ and deserves to win something. What, exactly, I have not decided yet.

I was looking for the video reference because after the incident with the steak, I had deleted “sans” from my memory and after hearing it again I had to consciously remember not to re-add it to my word bank of appropriate verbage to use in mixed company. Never Again.

Sidenote: Comic Sans is the most hated font in the snobby world of design. Sans of course means “lacking” or “without” and Comic means humor. derpa derp, amirite?

About richard