I Remember You, and I’d love to hear from you

Are you a “somebody that I used to know”? Well, if you’re reading this and we haven’t talked in a long time: I would genuinely like for you to reach out and tell me what you’ve been up to.

I know that’s not a normal thing to do. I want to do it sometimes but I am too 95%-plus positive that my random “hey, this is what my life has been like – how about yours??” messages to people of the past will be awkward annoyances to them more than interesting additions to their day. Surely some people would be happy to get such a message, no doubt, but the inability to know who is in that 5% and who you would just be bothering with a controlling attitudinal sentiment of “I was thinking about you so drop what you’re doing today and submit to an interview to someone you haven’t heard from, talked to, or thought about since 1990whatever” keeps me from doing this.

I like it when other people take that brave leap though. I do not think of it in the above terms of being a chore to submit to. I like that someone I interacted with in my history has remembered me and thought our interaction was meaningful enough to still reach out in some way. I am saddened and butthurt and confused and annoyed by people doing the opposite who see me in their Facebook friends lists for instance and are content with never talking to me again and delete me so that that chance becomes much more unlikely to ever occur.

So to anyone reading this that interacted with me before in any significant way: I remember you and feel exactly the sam way I felt about you at the time of our last interaction.

Provided that it’s not a way of ignoring a wrong they committed against me – I feel great when people I haven’t seen or sometimes even spoken to in many years feel free to message me as if no time between our correspondence has passed. Cuz that’s how I feel with people all the time and am constantly reminded that other peoples memories and priorities and interests and personalities change over time. Mine doesn’t. And I’d love to hear from any and all of you.

About richard