I take offense to your non-offense

Some people will find a way to be offended, no matter what, and dont you dare call something non-offensive because we need to be sensitive to everyone’s fragile little feelings, except yours cuz you’re the enemy. My friend Tisha “shared” this video on Facebook (sharing is when you repost something someone else posted. so one of her friends posted it first and she was just rebroadcasting) with the following text:

Anyone? Why is the rabbit white at first and upon leaving, is black??? What the heck is this supposed to mean? Weird. And I guess it was banned? Hmm.

I never saw the rabbit turn black or change color at all so i didnt get wtf the text is referring to. This guy responded with this insight:

Ben Yacob
I think it’s the way they’re talking that’s the issue. Last time I saw Dumbo I was blown away by how the crows spoke. Prepetuating a steriotype [sic].

I replied:

oooooh, THAT kind of “turning black”. lol, but i dont see a change there either. and the movie (Song of the South) is banned in the US because Disney is run by politically correct p*ssies and fear backlash from politically correct race baiters who claim the Uncle Ramos character is offensive because he’s happy with his life instead of being whining and sulking despite being a recently freed slave. there is also a scene where the fox & bear make a “tar baby” (a blob of tar dressed like a person) to trap the rabbit and allegedly “tar baby” is a racial slur that no one has heard of anywhere ever. super lamesauce with a side of ghayy.

He didn’t like that response and replied:

Ben Yacob
Wow! Is it really a bad thing to be sensitive too other peoples discomfort?
As a gay black man I find you lacking in humanity or maybe it’s empathy.
Just for the record Walt didn’t hire blacks to work at his parks an mistreated his Jewish workers so Disney is working off that stigma.

So I replied, knowing I was going to post this exchange (so just keep that in mind that I don’t think you should ever type a multi-paragraph retort like this in similar situations. I was writing for the posterity of it all, not to actually settle the hash of this random person) by deconstructing – and before you even think of it yourself – yes, I wish I could stop myself from engaging in these situations too. lol. I’d rather everyone just love me and be peaceful and happy and agree with logic and common sense and not be so sensitive to perceptions of a group they belong to being under grave assault by imagined insults, but it is the world we live in and I’m compelled so say something, and saying something means thinking things and thinking things means the saying of the something is gonna be a whole thing, so knowing all of this – I just started writing this blog before I even continued in the Facebook thread (lol).

His response was
“Wow! [his off base perception of why I’m in the wrong]”
+ “As a gay black man” [appeal to authority fallacy]
+ “Just for the record” [dubious history that he thinks justifies his bad argument]

So I copied the format:

Wow! Inserting your own prejudices into someone elses words to mischaractarize what they said. awesome. Not so awesome that your Communist mentality is that the discomfort of a few requires deprivation of nice things to everyone else – which, yes, is “really a bad thing” and no, is not just being “sensitive too [sic] other peoples discomfort”.

As a human being I find you lacking in respectable reasoning. From the faux outrage that someone finds non-racism non-offensive (gasp!), to attempting some kind of moral high ground by flashing your skin & sexual credentials, to calling someone sub-human (rude) for the crime of disagreeing with your Orwellian demands.

Just for the record, in addition to not being right on philosophy, you’re also wrong on the facts.
-Walt hired blacks at his park (not “parks”. there’s only one Disneyland. all others opened after he died) and there are no credible claims of mistreatment of Jews or history of anti-semetic private comments (there are however, numerous on-the-record defenses of Disney by both black and jewish employees). Those smears stem from a campaign by civil rights leaders in the 60s that attempted to force Disney to institute affirmative action at the parks. Unfortunately for you, refusing to give jobs to less qualified workers, even though they’re black, is not racism, its treating people equally (ie: exactly what the civil rights struggle was all about).

PS: Being lectured false history and called inhumane brings me discomfort, therefore by the “censorship = sensitivity” doctrine you espouse, you’re not allowed to be saying such things. Why are you showing such a lack of empathy for my views that non-offensive media should be considered exactly that? …ya, being a hypocrite makes it hard to stay consistent, i know.

For some reason he replied again…

Ben Yacob
Disney now as a multi-national corporation wants people to be comfortable when going to their parks and purchasing their over priced products. I know what communists are they have a disregard for individuals that do not cower to their doctrine. I choose not to agree with your perspective but at least in the USA I won’t be called a counter revolutionary and shot. You can have the last word if you like this has become rhetorical.

uh… ok

Glad I was able to convert you from cowering to communistic doctrine and make you shed your expressed disregard for individuals in just under 35 minutes. and all I did was repeat what you said to note how absurd it was. if only the rest of them were that easy to flip.
I can see how saying a bunch of stuff with passion that turns out to be wrong can shift a dude into rhetorical mode. I would have taken the high road and admitted my faults while engaging in the dialogue i started with my rude accusations, but at least in the USA I won’t be buried in the sand and stoned to death for blasphemy (a red herring that has about as much relevance as to who is black and gay or not).

I know, I know… I don’t come off as the majestic hero you think I think I am. but I don’t. I’m not trying to be like “look how I crushed this loser!” – I’m just logging the argument as an exercise on the subject, since I believe everything I said, and while it might not have been the best venue to say it – it was worth saying *somewhere*.

the whole thing is really just a 1-on-1 version of what i described: there is content that exists that race-baiters are using as leverage (since they lack REAL racism to go after) and a media corporations current leadership is cowering to the baiters because it’s easier to self-censor than to deal with bullies who will smear you as sub-human if you agree with logic instead of their baseless emotional doctrines.

I want everyone to feel comfortable and welcomed, but I don’t think that’s cool to deal with accusations like that.

About richard