If you help Myspace curtail vulgar underage whores, they’ll delete you

Filed under Myspace Fail: this girl leaves a comment on my status update (which was how people cant read-uh my poker face) saying “your gayy [SIC] . go shove a big juicy cock in your mouth”. so i say no thanks and to leave her sex fantasies about me to herself. she messages me telling me to fuck myself and die. i reply telling her to take her fat aggression out on someone else.


Keep in mind that this person request to be my friend and that is how she’s able to comment on my stuff. I don’t know why she’s trolling for a fight but she took it to the private messaging to keep calling me a gay fag who should make sex with dudes and die, to which I do as I always do and repeat the answer I already gave to that until it’s acknowledged. So I told her again to keep the sex fantasies to herself and chillax.

She replies with more sexual profanity and says im a fag anyway for responding to “a 14 year old” (the profile says 18). Not knowing if this is more dumb person tough talk or if its real – I reply to confirm saying only “wait, you’re 14?” and she replies with “yeppp . 15 in jan”.


so I take a screenshot of that and report the profile to Myspace under the “report underage users” feature. You’re supposed to be 15 or 16 to be able to join Myspace and its double-illegal to lie about your age when you’re underage cuz a lot of profiles – including mine – are only visible and accept requests and messages from users who are over 18. You’re welcome Myspace, for me being such an awesome neighborhood watchman and alerting you to a terms violator and cyber bully.

so what happens?…

Myspace thanks me and deletes her, right? wrong.
Myspace deletes MY profile and changes her profiles age to 14.

So to review: I said “hey Myspace, this person is breaking your terms of service by posting a fake age when they’re really 14 and sending unprovoked threatening and vulgar harassing messages” and Myspace said “hey, shut the fkk up. we’re deleting you now”.

what… the actual fkk…


UPDATE: Fun sidenote? This kid fails the first rule of Trolling and puts intimate personal information as her “mood”…I didn’t notice this till after posting the screenshot of the fake age, but it also contains her frigging phone number…


If I cared, I would totally call this Sara Miklowski @ 440-339-7930 and give her what-for, but this person isn’t the point. Rather, this needs to be an example to the rest of you on how NOT to behave and what NOT to do.

What is up with todays youth getting such satisfaction from being a bully to strangers? Not a good sign. Neither is Myspace’s egregiously poor service, terrible policy application and general disregard for it’s users. I feel like the site has been sliding in quality lately. Mark my words: Myspace is doomed to fail.

About richard