Interacting with children in public

At the airport waiting for my flight… This kid next to me at my gate kept asking his clearly stressed and preoccupied mom what “Airplane Mode” is after she said he will have to turn on that setting on his iPad when he’s on the plane. She was busy and not answering him, while I was just sitting there, perfectly able to clear it up for him, but after the firestorm from that Huffington Post mom blog with the 2 year old’s headband, I was afraid to interfere with a comment but after the 14th “what is Airplane Mode maaahhhm?” I gently turned to him and said “It’s a setting that suspends transmissions to and from your device so you can still use its other features while in the air. Faggot.” and politely went back to what I was doing. — Did I do it right? #Justtryingtohelp

(Click the exploited child for the original story)


About richard