Is Jessica Cooper dead?. 8ball says “it is likely”

It was an entire year ago that I noticed my friend Jessica nuked her entire Facebook friends list and scrubbed her update and comment wall shortly after getting engaged to what is probably, giving her track record with guys, an insanely unstable and multi-ways abusive musclehead. But she kept me..and only me. Yet I never heard from her again…


My first assumption was that she died, but then I thought – duh – its a cry for help. She’s sending me a coded message she knew only I was clever enough to figure out and come to her rescue, but unfortunately for her it took me a year to care enough to lend more than 8 seconds of thought toward her whereabouts and well being.

Poor JessCoop is probably tied to a radiator in someones basement but was quick thinking enough to keep only me on her friends list when her captor was forcing her to erase all digital contact with her friends so they wouldn’t know she had disappeared to the world and not just to them.

That sucks, cuz since this was a year ago, she probably IS dead by now. =(

RIP Jessica Cooper.

About richard