Its impossible to sneeze underwater

I just tried a whole bunch of times. I can’t do it. And if I can’t do it, its impossible.

Every time I felt a sneeze coming on I submerged myself and – bam – no sneeze. So next time you’re about to a-choo all over the place, just dunk your head in some water and you’ll be fine.

But I’m not responsible if you drown. But you won’t. But that’s not a guarantee. But chances are you’ll be fine. But in the event that you’re not – refer to the previously made disclaimer. But seriously, don’t be worried about it, cuz I’m almost positive you’ll be okay. I mean like, its possible you could have a pre-existing condition that you didn’t know about and then it kills you cuz of the pressure in your head from the water stopping sneeze thing, but you really just have to consider the odds of that happening. I don’t know what they are, but you should consider them. I don’t know how you consider statistics you don’t know, but that’s not really my problem now is it? All I wanted to do was show you how to stop a sneeze and now you’ve turned it into this. You know why? Because of freakin lawyers in America.

And that’s why we need tort reform in this country.
In November, vote YES on Prop A.

About richard