Juice box logic fails me again

The other day I caught my sense of logic falter and ultimately fail me. What happened was that after finishing a rather delicious Snickers bar I got a hankering for some cherry banana apple Winnie the pooh juice I stockpile inside my refrigerator. Those particular flavor of juice boxes were in groups on the very top and very bottom level of my 2 foot tall mini fridge. I grabbed the one on the bottom thinking it is a good idea to deplete those boxes now so that if one day I want some banana apple pooh bear juice and I am feeling particularly lazy, I can just grab one from the top rack. Then I paused a second and decided to live a little and take the juice from the first rack even though I had already picked up a box from the bottom. However, in the process of replacing the box, I dropped it. I f-ing dropped it, which made me have to pick it up AGAIN to replace it. I took the box from the first shelf and as I sipped away I regrettably reviewed what had just occurred…

What a fool I had been… In an effort to remove the chore of having to down once in the future, I had bent down twice just now. I had traded one bend for 2 and thus cheated myself. What the hell was I thinking? No juice on earth is worth bending ones entire body over to retrieve 2 times (expect maybe Berry Juicy Juice in the Arthur boxes).

By decreasing the number of times I bend down, I put less stress on my ever aging body and thus live a longer and healthier life. My lesson learned was to think clearer before I make juice decisions and to quit being such a little girl and learn to grip juice boxes tighter when picking them up.

I post this experience here today not because it’s humorous or because I’m not incredibly ashamed at my miscalculation, but rather so that others may learn from my foolishness and be more careful themselves.

Please… Think before you drink.


About richard