My first late night visitor…

First night in my new Hollywood house i’ve been moving into this month and theres a knock at my door at 1:30AM… So of course I open it, under the (admittedly small) chance that maybe its a 19 year old blonde nymphomaniac in distress who needs to suck a D IMMEDIATELY or she’ll go into diabetic shock  or something (weapon was handy, obviously, just in case it was…not that). — so I open up and…it actually IS a young girl… asking to come in. because people are “after her” and she needs a safe place to call her friends to pick her up… so I offer her some water, close the door and run to the back of the house with a flashlight and deadly weapon (of which there are many here) to find the Mexican gang bangers I assume are sneaking in while their chick accomplice distracts me in the front. back is clear…

So I give her some water and let her in to my laundry room near the front of the house to make her call and sure enough – there is a white BMW scanning up and down the streets as if they were looking for someone… she cries on the phone with her friend as she describes where to get picked up. Says only that “its a long story” when I ask wtf is going on. I dont pry for more details (less I know when the Armenian mafia waterboards me for answers later, probably the better) and her ride pulls up in front.

She leaves and I do another perimeter scan of the house just in case… everything checks out. that was…weird… :l

maybe next time itll be something more interesting. like the gang member. or the nympho. or a nympho gangbanger looking to get gang-banged.

About richard