Launchpad is a duck

I don’t know who needs to hear this but: Launchpad McQuack is NOT a pelican. He is a duck with a strong chin. 

You’d be forgiven to think “isn’t that exactly what a pelican is?” – cuz, yea – or just observe that pelican-people actually exist in the DuckTales universe. 

In addition to Disney-dogs, rodents, and cows – humanoid avian species like chickens, pelicans, cranes, hawks, and geese populate minority factions in Duckburg city as shown in the Uncle Scrooge Adventures comic books from the 1950’s that both the 1980’s and 2017 reboot of the series DuckTales is based on – so it’s “possible” that Launchpad would be a pelican – he just, isn’t. 

Launchpad is designed to be a duck. We know because we’ve been introduced to his family before and they’re all ducks.

He gets his chin from his dad.

About richard