Left alonezes in Or-lo

Definitely will NOT be paying thousands of dollars to get out of this jam packed festerhole that is Orlando airport. will wait for a non-full flight to get the regular rate seat on. considering going up to Chicago and going to Dallas from there.

yes you heard that right. Orlando to Chicago to Dallas. cuz thats how i roll.

UPDATE: Been at the airport from 1pm to 8pm. leaving now, but not on a plane. my mom and dad both got out on separate flights. not me. will try again in the morning. my brothers house is almost 2 hours away from this place (which, by the way: how is that even POSSIBLE. like, wtf. airports shouldn’t ever be more than 1 hour away from home) so he’s having a friend of his come get me who lives near here and i’ll crash at his place.

Goodnight Orlando


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