Listening? Or just waiting?

i never learn my lesson with these people… this chick is watching Horton Hears a Who on tv and i’m halfway into making an insightful point about how the roles of Steve Carrel as the wacky mayor and Jim Carrey as the steadfast Horton were totally wrong and should have been reversed but Carrey was too big a star to get second billing to Carrel at the time although currently — and she interrupts with “Jim Carrey is comin out with a new movie” and started talking about that. in other words, she heard “blah blah blah buzzword” that let her go “buzzword? oh, i have a thought about that”. The movie is I Love You Phillip Morris and has been out for awhile but is just coming to America probably due to its graphic gay sex nature but i didnt go into talking about it…


About richard