Lost blog: the DFW Exodus

Yesterday I told of how WordPress deleted my post in an unforgivably awful flaw in the program that should carry with it some kind of heavy penalty involving violence and midgets. The trauma reminded me of when I lost another, even longer post back in May 2007. Here it is, retold now because allowing it to disappear forever would just let WordPress win:

2 years ago I had just polished off an awesome blog about traveling to Texas for Thanksgiving and similar shit happened to me. I told this awesome story about how I accidentally left my ID at the check-in counter and the line for security was huge so I took a gamble and took a passer-by’s advice (that he announced to everyone in line) to walk down to the adjacent terminal and go through security there because the line was much shorter. It was. but I soon realized that I didn’t have my license to show the guy to get through. crap. So

I walk all the way back and I pass a few people from the original longer line who get discouraged seeing me, naturally assuming that my mission failed and it was even worse at the next terminal. I had to tell them that no, its good and I’m just going for a walk for the hell of it or something, and then awkwardly relate the same thing to the people in line. I go back to the check-in counter and they don’t have my ID cuz they sent someone looking for me with it. Just some poor random guy who they handed my license and said “find the guy in the picture”. So I went walking aback through the line and finally found him, then announced to everyone in the line that yes, the promised land in the neighboring terminal is a great deal better, and like Moses, I led them to a better life.

Awesome story, right? Of course it was, don’t be an ass. And it happened 2 years ago, but when I finished typing it and hit publish, WordPress was all “oh, wut? lol. I didn’t think you were logged in anymore bro. u gotta do that again cuz like your cookie timed out er wutever”. So I re-log and it redirects me to all the shit I typed, saved as a draft. NOT. It gives me a blank fkking “new post” window. Hitting the back button does nothing but give me a “back in time” blank fkking window.

After this incident, new versions of WordPress included an update with an auto-save draft feature. TOO FKKING LATE, assholes.

About richard