Lots of People Leaving Facebook lately

Is there a Facebook exodus going on? I’ve been getting an unusual amount of friends-have-left-you alerts this past week and the vast majority has been from people deactivating their account, not actually unfriending me specifically. All these people shown here (which is just a small sample of the long list), except K-Striebs, a friend from high school who evidently doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore, deactivated their Facebook profiles within days of each other. I wonder what is going on.

Oh, and in other news: I get alerts on my phone whenever someone leaves my friends list… So that I may remember always and deny them when the at least 20% of them try to readd me later on cuz they decided they were no longer mad at me or whatever dumb reason. No “oh, I don’t remember what happened but you’re somehow not on my list anymore” BS, here. I know the exact date and time you axed me from your digital friendship, and you’re not welcome back in.

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