Making new FB GFs. lolz

the following takes place on the Facebook comments of a posted political article by Ryan:

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 2:16pm
i don’t feel like reading this! it’s way too long!!!!!

Ryan Mauro wrote at 2:18pm
Hence why I did not tag you, you unconcerned citizen.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 2:21pm
guilty as charged!

Richard Bushnell wrote at 3:22pm
Gina wins the “most useless and obnoxious comment of the week” award. good pointers though

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 5:58pm
Richard wins the “least likely to tell when two people are joking around” award, and he should zip up that hoodie because we don’t wanna see the pubic hair that is growing out of his chest.

Anna [name redacted] wrote at 6:29pm
hahaha. leave it to you to write a note that starts so much unrelated controversy, ryan.

Ryan Mauro wrote at 7:55pm
WOW. I’m definitely posting more of the articles I write.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 8:40pm
Oh, i forgot how a joking attitude makes a comment either useful or less obnoxious. maybe Gina can explain that to me when she gets done fantasizing about my body (sorry kid, not interested).

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 9:30pm
oh don’t worry about it, you probably forgot because you yourself were too busy being obnoxious and useless by actually retorting my insults. And sir, i said nothing that even implied i was remotely attracted to you, after all i just assume all Californians are gay.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 9:34pm
so is Gina admitting she was being obnoxious and useless by retorting to my insult and thus apologizing for that? or whats the deal there? mentioning my body and public hair [sic] would in fact be an “implication” that you are at least “remotely” attracted to me, ya. i understand your frustration though. its not that you cant hit this cuz i like dudes, its cuz you look too much like one.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 9:37pm
and the only thing i fantasize about doing to your body is photoshopping your face to be a bit more symmetrical.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 9:38pm
given your obsession with it, i dont think anyone believes you. but keep telling yourself that as i haunt your dreammmmms bay-beh

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 9:41pm
oh man you got me, yo know what it’s true. i secretly get all moist in my panties for old guys that argue with little girls on people’s notes.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 9:43pm
and yes, i am willing to admit that i am an immature bitch with nothing better to do in the middle of the night. at least i own up to it though. see it’s sad in your case cuz you try to deny it.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 9:43pm
i already said that. you didnt have to admit it, but i guess you couldn’t resist putting it in graphic romance-novel-like detail.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 9:45pm
deny that im an immature bitch? when did you ask? having conversations with me in your imagination again? mmm. what am i wearing?

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 9:54pm
well i just wanted to make sure everyone knows how attracted to you i am because i am only attracted to guys who enjoy talking dirty 16 year olds over the internet.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 9:58pm
I assure you that if I knew you were a dirty 16 year old (you should take a bath. unless you meant a “to” to go in that sentence) I would have been much more lude and inappropriate with my comments.

Politely shooting down your graphic sexual comments towards my hot body however, isn’t considered “talking dirty”.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 10:04pm
hahaha i am a dirty 16 year old!!! dirty 16 year olds are the only kind of girls that could ever find mediocre figure of yours appealing.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 10:15pm
…and i do apologize for the typos, it’s just you get me so aroused i can’t seem to control the fast twitch muscle fibers in my fingers because all they wanna do is reach in to my pants and satisfy that little itch that all of these raging hormones of puberty create. i do appreciate the new picture by the way, it’s one more picture i can add to my collection of masturbatory material. it’s hard to find pictures of grown men who have the body of aborted fetuses. thank you, you have no idea what this means to me!

Richard Bushnell wrote at 10:15pm
Nah, dirty old bitches love me too. I prefer the 16 yr olds though, dont get me wrong.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 10:18pm
daaaaaaaaang Gina (thats a line from a show that was before your time. google it though. its a funny reference). your aborted fetuses had public [sic] hair on their chest? that’s…not normal. you’re not supposed to be doing drugs while preggers – or at all, since im sure you didnt realize.

Gina [name redacted] wrote at 10:30pm
i don’t know what tv show you are referencing but if they mention fetuses that’s cool. i also don’t know why you keep referring to pubic hair as public hair either…….. well i would love to stay up and argue with you all night, but all of your passionate words have stirred up the forbidden urges i apparently have for you. if you will excuse me i am going to attempt to relieve myself. although i can already tell you that i am gonna have to fake an orgasm because you lack the ability to ever satisfy any woman, even in their most elaborate sex dreams.

Richard Bushnell wrote at 10:35pm
public hair is exposed pubic hair (or sometimes pit hair – generally any hair that shouldnt be seen). i guess that phrase hasnt reached wide enough popularity yet.

why do you say apparently when you admitted them in such detail? wanna bet that i can satisfy you in real life? meet me at the public park. ill bring booze and condoms. you bring anything you want EXCEPT Dateline.

About richard