Making new friends on Myspace

Myspace has, for a couple months now had this awesome unique feature (it’s different from Facebook’s because this one is in a yellow box) where you can write a message to someone that will appear along with your friend request when you friend them. I’ve never had the chance to use this great new feature though cuz I never request people on myspace.

BUT… today. I was on one of my friends profile cruzin for lay-dehs, cuz I’m creepy like that, and I saw this one chick and was like “hm, she looks like maybe she’s cute” – so when I realized that she’s the same chick I disturbingly singled out in another photo on this same friends profile months ago – I figured a rare requesting was in order.

Then the yellow box dilemma. Gotta make a good first impression so I come off as sexually desirable, but not aggressive. Appealing, but casual. Show interest, but still be mysterious enough so she has something to pursue. I thought an intimate fact about myself would do the trick, so I started hammering one out. If you go beyond the height of the box, it cuts off the top so you can’t see it, so I took that as a warning to keep it simple.

Needless to say, the coolness displayed is overwhelming. Hopefully not TOO overwhelming for her, since she’s Russian like the friend I know of her from — so really, maybe she only knows limited english and I’ll seem that much more charming. Probably. We’ll see.

Now. we just play tha waiting gammmmme….. yessir….. *nods*……..


About richard