Matching socks are the key to a good day, happy life

One of the reasons I need to work extra hard to be a billionaire is to make sure I have staff in charge of both my low-level clothes buying and laundry. I’ve been having trouble pairing my socks properly lately but the larger problem is the sock-drought going on in Richardland. Without enough foot covering tubes to cover the deficit, life has been a struggle.

I wore a mismatch a couple days ago and felt it all day long. It was awful. The different pressures and ankle height on each foot was unbearable but because I’m strong and have faith in myself, I made it through the day. Mostly, it just made me appreciate my existing intact twins and increased my resolve to live a life where never again does such a constraint plague my existence.

Today my feet match. But what about tomorrow? I don’t have the luxury of planning that far ahead. I can only live for today, work hard and hope my efforts pay off. Eyes forward. Head up. Heart full. Head strong.


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