Mermaids are a lie 

Mermaids are depicted as sexy wet supermodels with a physique so feminine that they’re literally just hour-glass figures that connect the lines back together to a point. But that’s a lie. That’s not how mermaids really look. It can’t be. Real mermaids have thick disgusting lower halves with thick fins at the end like a killer whale, not like the sleek bodies with ornamental papery flaps we’ve been led to believe they have.

If it were true that their tails were the tapering V’s with silk scarf goldfish style fins like the media claims then they would wriggle side to side like sea snakes to propel themselves through the water. But everyone knows that they don’t. Mermaids travel by twerking. So their tail fins can’t be ornamental as they are essential to their movement.

Mermaids are obviously extinct now, but when they were alive: they weren’t sexy. They were blubbery beasts of the sea. It is told that manatees were mistaken for mermaids back in the day and that sounds bizarre at first because they’re so ugly but now that you know real life mermaids were more like mer-cows – the manatee thing makes perfect sense.

Stop letting the media lie to you about mermaids.

About richard