Moms know how to use the oven

Lemme just tell you about havin a mom: highly, recommended. All you orphans out there outta run right out and get you one a those asap. I just had mine make me some Bagel Bites. In. the o-ven. Ya. thats right. Classin it up ova here in tha hizzy.

The last time I had oven Bagel Bites was about a year ago when I had a girlfriend to do crap like that. In between girls that cook/heat packaged food for me and visits to my moms, I’m forced to eat microwaved Bagel Bites. an interesting conundrum, because everything about them makes you think “gross, spit this rubbery garbage out immediately” but you still enjoy them cuz they’re good somehow.

Not the oven baked Bagel Bite though. oh no. oh God no. The oven baked Bite is a creature of evenly melted cheese and crispy bagely bottom. The area of gums behind your front teeth get just as singed on either form since you have to shove them into your mouth post haste after preparation, but the enjoyment factor… ah. theres just no beating the oven bite.

Cheers to the oven, the Bagel Bite and the mother. truly a triangle of talent and terrific. hm? oh ya. and one other “T” word.

About richard