Negative Nitpicks on Net Pics = they want you

A lot of times people are just trolls or snotty, but theres an interesting niche of negative comment that is clearly an extension of the commenters sexual frustration for you. The biggest tell is if they personally disprove of something in the pictures content. If they say the belt youre wearing doesnt look good on you – could go either way  depending on other details – but if they say THEY dont like that belt brand – then you know they want you. The reason is because normal people dont do that. The reason they dont do that is because they dont care about the personal tastes of someone theyre not attracted to. -but someone they ARE attracted to – then when hit with the attraction in public display, they feel like they need to poke holes somewhere. Since they can’t, really – they reveal their inner struggle on their opinion of you and say that they personally dont like something in or about what is clearly an image that is givin them tha vapors.

It’s interesting to observe the many similarities between bitchy girls and bitchy gay dudes. Here’s one that might help you in your future involvement in social networking: If someone posts a “personal dislike” comment about something in your picture, it probably means they are wildly attracted to you and trying to fight it. This is not so with straight up jerk comments like “you look like shit here”, but if the comment is a personal distaste announcement of something in the picture, a la “i dont like what you’re wearing or what you’re drinking or doing”, look for other tip offs that they want you, cuz they probably do.

I get it on pictures displaying my trademark tube socks in every outfit the most but also other stuff. Whats going on is that the person thinks you look good but doesnt want to just say it cuz they don’t want to reveal too much and become vulnerable in their interaction with you. The better move, they think, is to go opposite from compliment and try to make you seek their approval until they’re ready to “let you in” enough to openly say nice things about you without feeling like its making them weak.

The whole thing is weak. Tell people whatever you think of them every single time it’s positive if you have the balls. Yes, it’ll result poorly a lot of the time. so what? Tell people you like them. You might not be around forever to say it and shouldnt they know? Its such a nice thing to be liked. at LEAST do that one, you jerks. But keep it up with everything: why wage internal struggles over whether to compliment someone in a picture on the internet? quit being such a child and throwing rocks at the people you like. quit spraying your own low self esteem on others so you’re more comfortable with them.

Its not normal to feel a need to go out of your way to nay say something in a picture of someone posted on the internet, so when you do, you’re totally revealing things about yourself. I thought you should know. but also – just knock it off and tell everyone they look good when you think they do and tell them that you enjoy and appreciate them when you do. the worst that could happen is that they process those compliments as owning you and they get a big head. so what? fuck em if they cant appreciate the nice gesture.

Don’t do things or not do things cuz you’re afraid of how they might be reacted to by others in general, but ESPECIALLY when its something positive that you have to say.

& Don’t feel such a need to bring people back down to earth whom you are uncomfortable with being so smokin hott all the time. Just say nice things and if theyre received poorly – you will have a legit reason to nay say them.

About richard