People who get really into audio creep me out

Few things about the human condition make me uncomfortable as i’m pretty understanding of even the weirder behaviors humans are naturally or abnormally inclined to engage in – but this one has always freaked me out: People being deeply moved by audio in ways that physically controls them. I mean where they close their eyes and just hand themselves over to the audio, “Jesus, take the wheel” style. What the hell IS that? Usually music is the cause but sometimes its spoken word and that shiz is REALLY nuts.

Mind you that i’m not referring to simply being emotionally moved by music or bobbing your head slightly to a beat or anything. I’m talking about full-on “the world around me is no longer present in any form and my very existence is being manipulated by the soundwaves penetrating every corner of my soul” type weirdness.

The most understandable aspect is rock music and the freakiest version is gospel music. Someone closing their eyes and weaving around to the groove flowing through their audio veins is just very weird to me. In public, anyway. Do what you want at home. But the bringing of your own personal bubble out into the public sphere and then ignoring that public sphere gives off a really freaky vibe to me.


About richard