Rain Drain

i have a terrible revelation to divulge and its not a joke… i go out in the rain and record videos of it, go home and edit it to music…and i do it all. the fkking. timmmmme… 🙁

i usually just discard the final product cuz, duh – its just fkkn video of rain (usually drops hitting the ground or puddles. i like that a lot) and forget about them but i just watched the one i did last week when it rained here and its so embarrassingly lame that i actually covered my open mouth in shock while watching it. If I die before I get rid of it, PLEASE: someone close to me, find it and delete it before people go through my belongings. you can leave the self-nudes, the videos of me practicing Puppetry Of the Penis in the mirror, the crazy weird porn – whatever – i dont giveafuck. but please get rid of these pseudo-artist emo rain videos. im begging you. thank you.


About richard