Same girl: Drunk vs Not Drunk. who’s hotter?

I usually encourage my friends to lessen their intake of alcoholic innard-baths but I think we should all encourage Anna to drink more and often.

Clearly these frequent blackout sloshfests are doing wonders for her or she wouldn’t keep it up so well.

the horrors of sobriety

Sober = nasty. finish that drink, bitch! Just look at her. stoic. bitchy looking. gurl u mad? Don’t be coppin that attitude with your hipster abstract art print.

Looks like a total lost cause, right? Well hold up, cuz there’s a solution. She’s found a way to take her drab plain appearance and almost look attractive. HOW? by getting blackout, falldown stinkin drunk, obviously. Can you even handle this hottness “After” shot i’m about to pull the red curtain on? Probably not but i’m gonna stunn y’all with it anyway. BAM:

Smile!!!! =)

Now that’s more likez its. Tussled. Loss of neck control (which is unimportant when you have your own head lifter on hand). This here is how it’s done, ladies.

About richard