Santa is the Bizarro Jesus

Both are kindly bearded men. One 60ish with white hair, one 30ish with dark hair (unless you buy an image of him in America, in which case Jesus was the only Aryan in the Middle East).

Santa only punishes or rewards children. Adults get a pass and get rewarded either way.

Jesus only punishes or rewards adults. Children get a pass and get rewarded either way.


And of course the “they’re both imaginary characters” line is cheap and writes itself so i wont go there.

Update: Even though the last line about Jesus being fake was included in a Facebook comment about this blog-post on my page, I should have figured someone would be lame enough to repeat it even though I already said it (though, to be fair, he probably didn’t click through to the blog and just popped off the response as a knee-jerk line the commenter is fond of).

I guess it’s just too delicious a bullshit concept to resist for hard lefties. I’m glad the hard right doesn’t embarrass themselves that way in the same quantity, ie being intellectually shallow enough that they state it would be a sign of maturity for someone to realize “the science behind Captain Planet was total fiction and lies to push a well intended message. that must mean environmentalism is a fraud! I’m so intellectual nowz that I did that non-fallacious based math!”

Cheers to wishful thinking on all sides of the arena and Merry Christmas to all.

About richard