Saving Lives

I saved no less than 3 honey bees who had completely surrendered to the watery struggle and were laying motionless in my pool today just waiting for death to take them, fished them out, lightly blew on them and all 3 eventually flew off to continue enjoying the life they had given up on… what have YOU accomplished today? Maybe you should get off your ass and be a hero like me. just sayin. One at a time. day by day. #MAKINADIFF’RENCE

And to you people who hate bees and think I should have let them all die: may I remind you bee-haterz that they make honey, are not aggressive (american honeybees anyway. not those African jerks) and thus are not the enemy. Wasps are. Don’t confuse Yellow Jackets with bees. they are different and they deserve genocide cuz they’re just nasty little a-holes that do nothing beneficial. bees, you can talk reason to. sure, some are douchebags, but most of them are nice insects if you get to know them. so please… lets keep our bug-racism to the groups that deserve it: fkkn spiders, wasps & anything with too many legs that looks creepy and/or bites. cool? now watch this video where I won a 3 day assault on an underground nest of Yellow Jackets, murdered them all and tortured their precious next generation before finally wiping them all out.

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