‘Singled Out’ is coming back (maybe). but i won’t be on it

Remember Singled Out? Shut up. of course you do. Unless you’re too young. which you might be. whatever.

Anyway – Mtv is shooting a pilot to possibly bring it back and asked me to be the “Picker” (the dude who weeds out all the hoes to find the hoey-est one of all), but I have respectfully declined.

If anyone reading this can get to Hollywood/Burbank area this week and wants to see if I can get them in my spot instead, I can send an anfo sheet to Viacom with a recommendation, cuz they’re still asking me to go even though I said no thanks. It’s $250 for the day and you win a few prizes including a trip at the end (probably to Cancun) with the girl you pick.

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About richard