Sleeping in the airport: I don’t recommend it

Hopscotch Magowen am I tired right now. Good thing I can go to bed in a nice soft and comfortable concrete airport floor. mmmm. wa? ya. due to an error on their part, the airline took my ticket away as i was boarding the jetway to the last plane out of Honolulu tonight back to California.
the next flight is at 8am.

ok, so that stinks cuz now i have to go aaaall the way back to my apartment here in Hawaii and come back in the morning, right?
myea… see, that’s the fun part…

the bus, taxi’s and shuttles require this paper stuff called “money” (wtf?). and i used exactly what i had left in cash to get here (and pay for Wheeler’s half cuz he’s a broke and useless bag of skin). i even borrowed $2 from the lady at the front desk of my apartment complex so i could tip the shuttle guy who drove us to the airport.

Okay, but surely a succesful model, sometimes actor and internet comedian as yourself has plenty of money in the bank, right? “just use one of your plastic money paying devices and be on your way good man” says the turn of the century British explorer in my head.

Well… I have money in the “bank”. but. I have 20 cents left on my debit card (which is teh lamez because i transfered a couple hundred dollars from another bank account to this one AND withdrew another several hundred from my paypal into the same account and neither has shown up in it yet) and $12 left on my credit card (ATM’s require a minimum of $20 withdrawl).

SO…. im camping out at the Honolulu international airport tonight… woot…

the ironic tradgedy of this tale?: if i had kept the $2 i would have had enough to take the bus back to my comfortable apartment with the nice soft bed. which reminds me of a Chicken Soup for the Soul story where a kid at a coffee shop asks how much an ice cream sundae is and is told 50 cents, so he asks how much a dish of plain ice cream is and is told 35 cents so he orders the plain ice cream and when the waitress comes back to his table to wipe it down after he left, she notices that he left her two nickels and 5 pennies – in other words, he ordered the cheaper item so he could leave her a tip.

thats me right now. except the kid in the story didnt have to sleep in an airport all night. and he expected the consequences of his decision before they came. and he got ice cream.

my version of the story sucks.

G’night folks!

About richard