Sophia, My Idol

Obviously the best Golden Girl was Sophia. Okay, not so obviously… she’s probably everyones least favorite. I think everyone likes Rose the most. then Blanche. then Dorothy. then Sophia. and I don’t blame them. The others are more easy to identify with than the calm and steady consistant nay-sayer Sicilian elder statesman.

Growing up in the 90s I liked the show and I liked Dorothys dry and sarcastic “I hate Mondays [and every day of my life is a Monday]” style but I really tuned in for the Sophia action. Sophia always knew what was up and would rain on all those other bitches parades whenever they said something dumb and I loved every second of it.

One part of one episode stands out in my mind and I’ve never seen this scene since, but it stuck in my brain files as a crowning moment of Awesome. Sophia and some gentleman suitor are outside on a bench some place and he comes back with drinks for them both. The logic-based humor in every Sophia line made me pee a little with excitement and this was my favorite example of it:

SOPHIA: I said I wanted a COLD drink. wheres the ice?
GUY: You didnt SAY you wanted ice…
SOPHIA: you dumb bacciagalupe, wadda you think makes it cold?

-I just cracked up all over again typing that…

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