Sunglass Lesson is a trap for Traps and a lesson in Traps

  • Location: Facebook
  • Context: A response to the consistent hate I get for my awesome cool-guy douchebag thick frame white sunglasses (that are awesome, cool-guy, and douchebaggy)…
  • Summary: a goof on the sunglasses turns into an education on the, evidently many definitions of what “traps” are

THIS, Richard. THIS is how sunglasses must be worn.

ooOOoooh. i get it…

Richard wins. 🙂

its not a competish, Guy. I’m just accepting fashion advice

I was too busy checking out the traps. Good work! 🙂

^translation for Richard? (is “trap” slang for sumth?)

muscle nick names…

ahh. *that’s* why im not familiar with it (cuz i aint got any. lol). makes sense.


thought i had while jogging a few mins ago: so if a dude gets you in a headlock you cant escape from, you’re in a trap by a trap?
or is it “a trap by his traps” i guess?
now i’ve repeated the word too many times in my head to where it doesn’t make sense anymore as a word and i question the meaning of life

if it’s a girl who has a penis and has you in a headlock, it’s a trap^3

thanks for articulating my worst nightmare

*adds to resume*

-ps: is “trap” a gay thing? or will my female friend who is a competitive body builder and a mom understand the joke if i comment one of her pictures where she’s flexing with her son with the caption “The Parent Trap”?
(this is a 100% real question)

if her traps are prominent, yes. if she has a penis, yes. if she’s a lindsay lohan fan, yes.
otherwise, better taste should prevail

oh. So even if its a broadly enough known term that she’d get the ref, id still be implying that she has a dick, huh? good call. nixed.

possibly yes. approximately 137% of guys on the internet under the age of 30 know what a “trap” is (the penis definition) so yeah

I’d never even heard of it, let alone know it. Jason said traps were muscles. trap, singular = penis?
this is so confusing. can someone make me a chart i can print out and carry around for reference? :/


(1) muscle on your upper back
(2) an unfortunate situation where one is tricked. cf. Admiral Ackbar, an internet meme c. 2009
(3) a younger, usually hairless man dressed as a girl, convincing enough to fool other men as to his/her gender. the “trap” is the discovery that the “attractive woman” has a penis.

About richard