Testy Boastful Abortions

Richard Bushnell
but enough about me.. how are all of YOU?… — okay, back to me now: I’m awesome.

Stacey Leezer Phelps
I read today that men are actually boastful because your brains are actually hardwired that way and do to the presence of testosterone! So I as a woman forgive you now that I know you were just made that way

Richard Bushnell
only a female brain would think to “forgive” someone for their biology. gee thanks.
really though – self appraisal is necessary for achievement so its built into males as the hunters/providers. i dont think its testosterone though cuz …this behavior is seen in males long before puberty when levels are very low. little boys for example are more likely to do the whole “the crowd goes wild!” (a way of saying “everyone is cheering for ME) thing when pretending and take more relish in victory than female children. i think its a multitude of factors in the way the genders are hardwired. i also think i better take a Tylenol before i get a headache from being so awesome.

Dax McKenzie
don’t listen to stacey. her vagina makes her stupid by default.

sorry, stacey.

Stacey Leezer Phelps
Actually testosterone shows up at six or seven weeks after conception, when all embryos are technically “female”. That is when a dramatic spiking of testosterone occurs for those who have inherited a “Y” chromosome. So it can still be to blame even before puberty.

Richard Bushnell
you say “actually” like i didnt know that or otherwise implied an absence of it when in fact the minuscule presence of testosterone in a fetus or infant most certainly *cant* be blamed for it. you missed the point in my reply, which was debunking the notion that presence of testosterone is to blame. if that were the case then you can’t pin the blame on males since females produce testosterone too. my whole point was that its not the presence of the hormone but the amount (men have about 10 times as much as fems).

Richard Bushnell
Dax – is it worth mentioning, you think, that this status was actually written as a satire on people who ask questions about you when they’re really just feigning mild interest as a way to bridge the gaps between their own self aggrandizement? is there a hormonal imbalance that explains that?

and of course we all know that the best way to make a hormone is to not pay her. natch.

Veronica Anthony
fyi- mr. bushnell is correct about testosterone- after birth levels do drop off and then begin production again before puberty- although this can sometimes begin at an early age

very interesting discussion
– little boys run around thinking ‘…i am so awesome’ and little girls walk around rocking their babies and yelling at the boys when they stop to bother them
-although i don’t agree with ‘hunter’ theory- it probably has to do with competitive reproduction
-and…. testosterone acts different ways in males and females so that cannot be an argument- this can most obviously be seen in the use of other hormones -like male vs. female athletes who use steroids- totally different effects

excuse me (pushes glasses higher on nose) i must get back to work- i have livers and ovaries to put away

Dax McKenzie
i think i see your point, veronica, except that SOME little girls walk around carrying their abortions in jars.

Richard Bushnell
ya i dont agree with the hunter theory either. i had to scroll back up and see what you were referring to and its extra interesting you said that cuz i now recall originally typing a paragraph about male boasting being necessary to spread o…ur seed as much as possible but after getting into bucks and peacocks i decided i was spending too much time on it and deleted. so no, i dont think its hardwired into us to think we kick ass because of years of hunting but i think the rest of that paragraph is valid once that clarification is made.

Dax of course knows that we’re talking about genders as a whole and not individuals/exceptions – she just likes to brag about how many babies she’s killed cuz i guess the tally on her pickup truck isn’t flashy enough.
and no, Veronica will not smuggle you a new liver, so dont think you found an excuse to not lower your alcohol intake.

Dax McKenzie
i’m not the only female out there who takes pride in her abortions, dammit!

Richard Bushnell
but you ARE the only one who keeps them in jars…

Dax McKenzie
fair enough

Richard Bushnell
And then eats them…

Dax McKenzie
too far, richard. too far.

Richard Bushnell
?*and then tries to put them back inside her out of guilt and regret?


About richard