The Drunkback of Northre-Hollywood

A handy tip to all you ladies out there: When you drink too much. you might pass out and have to have the bouncer of the comedy club you’re at carry you out like a sack of potatoes. that were soaked in vodka.

In such a situation, it’s also possible that you might have a friend who is an internet based entertainer who finds stories such as these to be grist for his mill of mockery. What could also happen is that although he is gracious enough to not identify you on his widely popular blog, might possibly hold you up to inevitable teasing, scorn and ridicule that will result after he posts pictures from that night of irresponsible drinking on said blog…

It might sound like a random warning. but. you never know girls. these things can happen.
You don’t believe me? ok. well. take for example… oh, I don’t know. uh – well, I guess…I guess this would work as an example. I mean. just off the top of my head or whatever:

responsible drinking...

Oh ya, it would also be bad if you keep telling your internet based entertainer friend throughout that night how “pretty” the bouncer is who will later have to slog the bag of booze that is your flesh out of the club.

It will only add to the mocking and ridicule if he happens to be a demonic ogre.

So. consider yourself appropriately warned/frightened/encouraged/whatever it is exactly you want to take away from this experience of someone else’s experience.

she just HAD to park 2 whole blocks away from the stupid club...

Oh ya, and I forgot to mention that this girl is 19. and that she does this all the time. and that she’s going to get dead and raped (not necessarily in that order, but maybe) before she hits legal drinking age if she doesn’t knock it the eff off and maybe that’s the REAL reason I’m posting this blog like this? I mean, its not, but maybe it is, right? Like, the whole “warning” shtick was plausible. Cuz its like, why ELSE would I post such sad and embarrassing photographs of a dear dear friend? that would mean that I would think youre somehow entertained by this tragic drama. SURELY our society hasn’t fallen so far as to where the sight of pathetically drunk bitches is… amusing?

I would like to thank the ogre from tha hood for doing such a good job of carrying this necessary baggage to the car and only copping a feel 6 times at most.

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