The Secret to having energy in life

I’ve never understood the “how do you have so much energy?” question. As a kid I just thought adults had less fuel in their tanks and were envious over my still-growing human body’s ability to generate excess “energy” (both attitudinal and physical). But then I became one of those adult things and, yea, the oppressive constraints of mature responsibility acts as an anchor, no doubt, but I haven’t lost the ability to generate “energy” when I want to bad enough.

So… that’s the answer: Just want to bad enough.

Tada. The end.

And don’t get it twisted – if you’re in a coma or coping with recent death by a loved one or something, there are reasonable physiological limits on what you’re able to produce by way of endorphins and dopamine and other science words I’ve heard but don’t fully know the facts about. But to anyone who is physically capable and not in the throws of a recent tragedy blockading the energy production glands we all possess – there really isn’t an alternate explanation for it. Energy is produced. If it is desired, then it must be made. So if you desire it – make it.

Remember that your consciousness is like that little alien from Men In Black inside the skull of the human robot suit he pilots: we are all just luminous sentience piloting meat machines in this reality. When your meat machine needs something like nutrition, hydration, and rest, in order to perform – feed it. The rest is up to the sentience. It’s all attitude. Attitude is motivation. If you want something bad enough then that is what motivation is – so all you’re missing is the implementation of the “Doing it” part to be an enthusiastic energetic slice of Awesome Pie.

Don’t believe me?

If I offered you $500 to pep up and attack the day with enthusiasm, would you be able to do it? Or would you say “I don’t know how to generate the energy to do that”?

If you have the same difficulty being energetic in attitude as one would have running a marathon then you have physical health issues to deal with first before anything else.

If you are able to accept that offer then why would you not give yourself that same pleasure without such an offer? Because being enthusiastic and excited with alert optimism, anxious for the fray of lifes adventure is only worth it if you’re getting paid $500 or more? Get the fkk outta here.

We don’t get that many days to be alive. Treat each one like someone is paying you to enjoy them.

Whether you’re at an amusement park or scrubbing toilets all day – you are the one in control over your temperament.

You’re as happy as you choose to be.

Choose Awesomeness.

About richard