Tips for Chicks: Have the right standards for dudes

Dating tip for tha ladies: If at first you don’t succeed, lower your standards.

Actually, the “lower standards” line is for humor. the truth is more like “re-adjust” your standards. its not that chick standards are necessarily “too high”, it’s that they’re just all kinds of wrong for what they actually want and need and is compatible with them.

One female friend comments:

Why do we have to do all the work? Guys, do yourselves a favor, fix yourself up, and all problems shall magically disappear.

The answer: Because it will not happen, ever.
Men are animals. women are the only things that civilize us. as long as trashy ho’s will sleep with a skeezy guy – he will never fix himself. ever. guaranteed. its not “work” you have to do. its being more discerning with whom you give yourselves to. we went from cavemen to hand kissing “throw my coat down on that puddle so m’lady’s dainty feet wilst not get muddy” conciliatory gentlemen because we had to. we became cavemen again because we can be. — the world would be a beautiful place if women would just avoid the company of bad men. instead, they flock to it and that which is rewarded will increase. every time. guaranteed.

Another friend comments with this scenario:

girl: i like bad boys
girl: nice guys are boring

*broken girls like “bad boys”. healthy, well adjusted females who have an average or above relationship with their father do not like “bad boys”. the reason broken bitches flock to them is because the females most primal drive is safety and they dont feel safe with safe guys – they feel safe with alpha males even if theyre abusive because even if they beat the hell out of them theyd rather have that than face the big scary world alone without an alpha male “protecting” them.

About richard