
Confesh: I never have stuff in my teeth when walking out of restaurants. So why do I grab a toothpick on the way out every time? Because I like to stab my gums with it… Your gums are like permanent bruises that you can just press for that sweet addicting pleasurepain any time you want. mmmmm…..I need help :/

It’s a similar enjoyment I get from like how I put tennis balls on the floor and roll my back on them. except not really. the tennis balls are legit muscle diggers anyone might like or benefit from (although I do a self-hug to tighten my back and make the dig-in harder). this would be more like how I ram my shoulder blades into sharp corners in doorways and halls or how i stomp my feet on the raised rocks in front of a stone fireplace or sumth. mmm. i wanna do alla that right now.

About richard