Whats a beerfest anyway?

i never saw the 2006 comedy after i burned it to dvd, but i feel like i should include the fact that i at least got as far as burning it onto dvd before i not-watched it. but a friend just told me they went to a beer festival and it was fun and reminded them of college. know what reminds ME of college? my dad. every time i talk to him and he tells me how disappointed he is that i never went.

I’ve never been to a themed event like a car show or.. festival of beer. whats so festive about it? are there petting zoo’s and carnival rides? or is it boring and really just a low key gathering centered around beer the way Hanukkah is a “festival of lights”? do we have the Jews to thank for the beerfest as well? or is it the other direction and its a German Aryan thing probably, huh? – “probably, huh?” is one of those things that makes sense verbally but in text is just kindov a disaster. kindov like this blog.

shouldn’t someone have been killed for that tagline? i dont think they were cuz it would have been in the papers. but i really wish someone was forced to pay for that decision with their life… deep down i hope they did and it was just a really good cover up.

But seriously, what – i ask you in lou of googling – is this festival honoring beer? is it an ancient celebration started by medieval fraternities? i barely know what beer is, other than a drink that makes Wheeler punch holes in walls and get sad, and i think a festival is just a party, so.. wtf. a beer festival is just a 4th of July party that replaces the brats and burgers with different kinds of beer?

is it ridiculous that im a grownass man and am asking questions about wtf a beerfest is through a childish naivete? did i just really use “naivete” in a sentence?

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