“Why aren’t you famous [yet]?”

Being in the lowest form of the public eye (the Internetz) for a decade, I’ve been getting this question for years and despite being a compli-sult, it’s unfortunately a legit question. It also has an answer.

“Why aren’t you famous” = “Why hasn’t the world realized your greatness yet?”
“Why aren’t you famous yet” = “What is taking so long for this to happen”

The negative side of both versions of the question is the undeniable route that the answer has to take, which is a circle back to ME. It’s fun to joke about being the diamond in the rough that the world refuses to give proper due to, but the truth is of course much less glamorous: It’s my fault.

Wondering why YOU aren’t famous yet when you are trying to be? There are only 2 possibilities:

1) You are not trying hard enough or smart enough.

2) You are not talented or entertaining enough to merit fame.

Those are your only options. Sorry.
Which is it with me? Well, you’re a fool if you completely discount #2 as an option for yourself & I would be too if I did with myself. Duh, I think i’m the cats pajamas, but only to myself. Part of the whole Richardland theme is being a fish out of water that brings his own water with him but still, its a limited pool, from which others look into with confusion, disdain and more disdain (brought on by their discomfort by the confusion). But thats not the answer. niche comedy? pff. there are a thousand success stories of that shit. NOT an excuse.

So while I can’t completely discount the “because I just suck” answer, there is evidence to suggest #1 is more to blame. This begs the question of why, if I’ve identified the problem, have I not done anything about it, and here is the answer:

There’s too much I want to do, still. I know that doesnt help you. I’m hurrying, I promise. I’m working as fast as I can and need you to hang in there. It’ll be a few more years. Maybe by the tail end of 2012. Definitely before 2014. So lets say by the end of 2013 I will have made an honest effort to make it big. Deal? can you hang that long?

This doesnt mean i’m actively hiding or anything. I’m still out there to be found or to develop an audience so huge that it cant be ignored. but more likely: nothing big will happen till I make it happen and I’m just not ready yet.


I realized this 2 years ago in 2008. I moved to California in 2004 and tried 1 path of things for those 4 years and it blew ass. I did the parties and events to “make connections”, I hung out with people I didnt like to “make connections”, I went on auditions for things I didnt really want or care about just to “climb the ladder” of the entertainment industry, I booked modeling gigs for the same reason — it wasn’t my path. Its not most peoples path. I’ll explain why some other time, but over those 4 years of trying to play by other peoples rules and standards + trying to do my own thing was just making a crap sandwich for both ends of things.

So in 08 I decided to only do my half. my stuff. Fully dedicate to the projects I was trying to get going on the side while doing the acting and comedy thing. I broke up with that chick I was with for those 3 years prior cuz she wanted to get married like, yesterday, and I pumped all the money I had into my own business. That is when I started doing regular “Video Blogs” – because it’s just talking to a camera, so its an easy method of keeping myself “out there” + video editing practice while I put more effort into developments that arent as public and dont circle around me.

Since 2008 my only income has been from my Diversified Media corporation and that has been my sole focus. If it fails, I fail. If it doesnt bring in money, then I don’t eat – which is cute to say when you’re well fed, but there were times over the past 2 years that I had to borrow money just to be able to make enough peanut butter sandwiches for a week or two. (UPDATE: see my “what do you do for a living?” blog for more details about what my job is and how I earn money).

I’m giving it 5 years of hatching before going balls-out with trying to make it and myself a publicly recognized success. If myself or any of my satellite projects pops before then – awesome. But I dont expect anything to happen that I dont make happen myself and before 2013-ish, I just wont have the time to dedicate to doing what it takes.


Lots of ways. #1 is to advertise yourself. Get yourself the eff out there. Despite the original tagline of Richardland.com being “news, humor & shameless self promotion” – richardland is really the only place ive ever advertised myself. Don’t be like me… go out to forums, buy advertising and cheat on youtube. main ways to cheat: lie about your content in your video thumbnail, make the title short & provocative & load up on popular keywords in your tags and description regardless of the relevancy to your video. Also, use spambots to leave comments and send people messages, subscribe to people and follow people on twitter.

I’ve done none of these. When I make my push, I wont be using those angles, but at least i’ll be pushing. I can’t push and create at the same time. I decided i’d rather create so I have something to push and then push it. That’s what I’m doing. It looks like im not doing it because you cant see most of what it is i’m creating (not by my choice, btw. biz partners and others just dont want me live-casting details as they progress for obvious reasons i suppose).

In the next couple years I’ll have new media projects fully hatched. Back to the original question: Idk if any of them will make me “famous” but that isnt the goal.

Most people who are great are not famous and most famous people are not great. I don’t strive for “fame”, i’m striving for accomplishment.


It’s coming. stay tuned as it develops. It’s going to be fun. but in the mean time: the reason i’m a big fat nobody is because i’m not focusing on trying to be a SOMEbody as much as I am focusing on making sure there is a reason to be a somebody. This, plus whatever percentage of the #2 option about me just not being good enough applies.


About richard