Why downgrade in love or breakfast?

“Original” Cap’n Crunch without Crunch Berries is like when ex-girlfriends wanna be friends with you. um, why would i want to REMOVE enhancements from a product i like? as in – make them not even available. at least when they’re present i can choose to eat the berries and in what quantity and proportion to the Crunch. but if they’re gone then i’m left with a limited and inferior product. how is that fun for me? it does nothing but highlight how lame and uninteresting the Crunch crispies are by themselves. are you still following my “lets be friends” analogy, ladies?

We’re willing to tear up the inside of our mouth with the cut-glass nature of the Crunchies because they’re mixed in with Berries and together, it converts the bowl into a net-positive experience.

We know a bum deal when we see it, and straight Cap’n Crunch is a suckers game.

Likewise, a box of Oops, All Berries is – like it’s relationship parallel – fun for a bowl or two and then you’re done with it.

About richard