WordPress SUCKS and has idiotic anti-user features

WordPress blogging software is shit and I hope everyone who has worked on it in the past year and a half is killed in a car accident and/or gets cancer.

“Oh, look at us, we’re free, you get what you pay for n stuff” – DIE, asshole. If I paid you, could you make your software not do retarded shit like erase my entire post forever? How much is that gonna cost me? you mother fkking retarded whore of an anus kissing wart on this godforsaken planet you don’t even deserve to inhabit. I am SO pissed at you right now for providing me with a free product that has a user flaw that I could seriously kill either the creator or an innocent 9 year old right now.

I was just finishing up a huge long sprawling post of literary brilliance and in the last sentence, clicked the mouse and continued typing – except when I clicked the mouse, it highlighted the entire fucking post and the next key I hit was a comma – thus ERASING ALL MY WRITING FOREVER and replacing it with said comma.

Good thing I can just click that handy “undo” button. OH WAIT. WordPress is too good for a simple god damn “undo” feature. You can right click and use the Windows default “undo” which will take away your most recent action, and ONLY your most recent action. So my “undo” took away the comma on the god damn page. Thanks a lot asshole. Now I have nothing. At least before I had a fkking comma.

All my paragraphs of insight and storytelling, all the embedded photos and media – GONE. Not because I accidentally pressed “select all” and then accidentally hit delete. But because I purposefully clicked the mouse, but evidently 3 fractions of a centimeter in the wrong place which WordPress interprets as “oh, you must have wanted to select everything in this god damn box, ok. lemme go ahead and highlight that shit for you” and then pressed one keystroke before witnessing the horror that had just taken place.
F#ck you WordPress.


Screw you to screw-hell where I hope you get SCREWED like you screwed me. You suck at not losing your user’s work. And whats worse is that the auto-save bullshit feature should have at least saved my select-all-comma disaster, right? WRONG. It autosaved the blank post with nothing but the fucking comma.

Incompetent jerks.

About richard