“Wyd?” and “Are you up?” Are “How are you” and “whats up”s evil cousins

People… PLEASE… I’m begging you to stop killing me with this stuff.

Don’t message me asking “what are you doing” or “are you awake?” unless it is micro-specific to a context that — actually never mind – just never do it ever.

I never want to answer individuals who are randomly curious about “what i’m doing”. Ever. I’m never so glad they asked so I can tell them I’m eating a salad or laying on the beach or working on website planning. Come at me with something of substance or please just shhhhhhhh.

What’s worse is asking if I’m awake. WTF for? Just ask what you need. Preface it with “if you’re awake” if you want – sure. But a single message with no context as to why you are asking about my state of consciousness is annoying. If I’m awake – I’m doing something. So all “are you up/awake” means is “what are you doing?”.

Stop it before I kill myself, please.

I know I’m the one who is the outlier here but can you just at least adapt and get on board with a brave new future where you’re not wasting life and time with inane starter questions and just get to your friggin point quicker? I’m busy. I multi-task. I know you’re not and you don’t. I get it. So I don’t immediately expect you to understand my life or how your head would explode if you had as many things going on as I do and you kept getting texts and messages withholding their thesis’s or reason for existence from you. But at least try to understand how rude it is in a scenario like mine…

Imagine you are results oriented and getting things done and you get at least one incoming message an hour asking you to answer something with no context or reason why it’s being asked. Imagine it is from a stranger expecting your time to answer your mystery question just because they exist – or worse – an associate who is then abusing their relationship with you to sacrifice your convenience for theirs.

Don’t be lazy. State your intentions and help me retain what is left of my sanity.

I’m only telling you this to help you.

About richard