You’re invited to the party, but I don’t depend on your attendance

You people who live and die by the acceptance of your peers are doing nothing but setting yourself up for a mobius strip of suffering. Why dont you just at least attempt – a good honest TRY – to not care about who likes you or not? If you can handle being disliked, you’ll get liked by all the right people. I promise. I’m not saying you’ll be popular – but you will filter out the people who dont actually like YOU but only like some weird portrayal of you youre trying to sell to people. Co-dependance is a recipe for sadness and perpetual feelings of lonliness.

Don’t be rude or inconsiderate. Just don’t try so hard to make people like you. Let the haters hate and let the people who like you flock awn over. Its a better life, yo. #realtalk

Getting back to me (finally): You’re wasting your time trying to make me feel bad about anything about myself, the way I live life, my personality or my clothes and other possessions.

Nothing hurts me because everything hurts me and when everything does something then something can’t do anything.

About richard