Minors in Chili?

The Tweet slash Status of the year has been made:

Sorry News, but when you say “Miners in Chile” I expect to see some hot 17 year olds in beef stew, not a couple Mexicans stuck in a hole. wtf.

For you readers of the future, visiting this post from the past: this was a comment on a disaster that happened in the country of Chili in August 2010 where 33 miners were trapped a billion miles below the earth and were finally rescued in October 2010. It was a big news event that lots of people were tweeting and Facebook statusing at the time. So along comes this gold nugget of comedy, mined from the deepest caverns of brilliance within my brain that not only translates “Miner in Chile” to “Minor in Chili”, but adds a third punch with the cultural insensitivity satire by conflating all brown pe’ple south ah Merica and BAM. we have a winner.

chili miners
Image by Ashley of MissAshleyPants.com

I keep track of who deletes me on Facebook and within 10 minutes of this post 4 people had already bailed on my friendship. 2 people commented with offense (one of them Chilean, making the correction that “we’re not Mexican!” lol). both of them quickly deleted their comments after I responded asking for them not to ruin the hilarity of my dark humor and bring me down (they deleted their comments because they didnt know it was a joke of course and then felt silly afterward, not because they were actually obeying my request to not be comedic buzzkills).

Finally the positive comments and retweets came in though and life was good. Only one douchebag tried to debbie downer it, again, by being stupidly oblivious to the humor in the 3 punch joke and said:

Jonathan Rich: I’m not sure which is worse: your blatant racism disguised as “humor,” or your smug, “pat myself on the back because I’m so hilarious” arrogance.

This douche added me online (not a real-life acquaintance) and has been lurking my Facebook for years just to rant about how outraged he is with my statuses. After multiple friends reacted to his outragey outrage, he of course backed down completely and didnt respond to my explanation of the humor. When you’ve got a stick up your ass that big, you CAN’T take it out, no matter how delicately, or you’ll riddle your anal cavity with splinters, so all he can do is ignore it when it’s pointed out what a sissy wet blanket he is. I keep him on my list for the lulz.

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