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- It’s way past time to retire the “threw up in my mouth” line
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Gay Archive
Tumultuously Terrifying Tindering…Dudes
Posted on January 4, 2015 | No CommentsTumultuous isn’t really the right word cuz it means rioting or unrest in some kind of uproarious fashion but I needed another T-word for the title. The overwhelming response of […] -
Missed Connection: This dude creepin on me a foot to my right
Posted on May 21, 2014 | 2 CommentsOn laptop at my gate here at the St Louis airport and this dude passes me 3 times, eyefucking me like I’m the last slice of pizza; sits down next […] -
Should Vampires be allowed to give blood transfusions?
Posted on August 24, 2013 | No CommentsIt’s a more complex issue than you might think… A couple friends (both gay) were recently quibbling with each other over the merits of blood banks not allowing homosexual donors. […] -
Filed under: Terrifying events I get invited to
Posted on March 21, 2013 | No CommentsI…eh…. I think i’m busy that night, fellas :/ -
I Otter Know Better
Posted on August 9, 2012 | No Commentsderp… -
“Topping” Ricky Martin
Posted on August 4, 2012 | No CommentsA gay friend posted this poll on Facebook that I participated in thusly: Evidently, Wyatt didnt know that I love formal events I guess?… Oh, wait. I guess “top” means […] -
From Awesome to Homosexual Prostitute in under an hour
Posted on August 2, 2012 | No CommentsThe bottom tweet came first…then awhile later he follows up with the one on top… -Prolly woulda been best to just stick with the original sentiment, bro. lol. -
Soy Milk will make you Gay *AND* kill your sperm count!
Posted on June 20, 2012 | No CommentsI had heard warnings about soy from various sources and never taken much credence in it – especially since the most prominent one I remember reading a few years ago was from […] -
Protip: Calling dudes gay is not a successful pickup line
Posted on June 13, 2012 | No CommentsTry this one out next time you’re hitting on a lady you think acts in a way that suggests she might be easy to bed: tell her that. Just go […] -
Sunglass Lesson is a trap for Traps and a lesson in Traps
Posted on May 7, 2012 | No CommentsLocation: Facebook Context: A response to the consistent hate I get for my awesome cool-guy douchebag thick frame white sunglasses (that are awesome, cool-guy, and douchebaggy)… Summary: a goof on […]