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- How I’m tryna not decay as fast as you are
- I can’t swirl drinks for shit
- Live AI Beard Filter Bruh
- It is OUTRAGEOUS that “intrical” is not a word
- If you’re tired in the morning – have you tried just, like, not doing that?
- Glow Paint is never as good as the photos claim
- It’s way past time to retire the “threw up in my mouth” line
- “We are all attractive” meme is nice but an unnecessary lie
- Mega Simulation Game of Life concept
- Red Lobsters’ Cheddar Bay Biscuit Maximization Ordering Guide
Between Showers
Myspace Archive
Social Net Toolbagging
Posted on December 18, 2011 | No CommentsA friend just posted on Facebook that a guy private messaged her saying the quotes she posted in statuses are getting too deep and that she should delete him… awww. […] -
Remember when Myspace was a website?
Posted on February 5, 2011 | No CommentsFor awhile it was called a crumbling ghetto while Facebook was the suburban community everyone flocked to but “dirty whore” is way more accurate. i logged in the other day […] -
Negative Nitpicks on Net Pics = they want you
Posted on February 1, 2011 | No CommentsA lot of times people are just trolls or snotty, but theres an interesting niche of negative comment that is clearly an extension of the commenters sexual frustration for you. […] -
Quit putting your worries on blast
Posted on August 12, 2010 | No CommentsPro tip for all of you internetties: quit using social networking sites to cry yourself a river over every little negative thing in your life. what makes you think its […] -
The real reason Myspace sunk
Posted on August 8, 2010 | No Commentsthe real reason myspace died: it was bad enough that I came so close to getting a role in Apatow’s “Funny People” and then didnt, but i kept from hating […] -
Myspace makes a game-changing improvement
Posted on July 16, 2010 | No CommentsJust when you thought Facebook had won the war, Myspace comes back in a BIG WAY… after 3 years of introducing no new features other than ones already found on […] -
Is Myspace dead?
Posted on January 15, 2010 | 1 CommentIs Myspace dead?…idk. you tell me… here is a screenshot of a comment I just opened. within it you will find a 17 year old boy whose main picture is […] -
If you help Myspace curtail vulgar underage whores, they’ll delete you
Posted on November 22, 2009 | No CommentsFiled under Myspace Fail: this girl leaves a comment on my status update (which was how people cant read-uh my poker face) saying “your gayy [SIC] . go shove a […]